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US travellers are powering Europe’s post-Covid recovery
This summer, everyone really is taking a European vacation.

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Matty Merritt
22 June 2024
less than 3 min read
No one’s more booked and busy this summer than Europe with the Eras Tour, the Euros, and the upcoming Olympics. But the Continent’s economic boom owes its biggest thanks to Steve from Milwaukee downing gallons of port in Lisbon.
You might feel the deja vu of your friends posting “Florence reccs???” every June, but this summer, an unprecedented number of Americans really are taking a European vacation. Europe expects to host a record number of tourists from the US, thanks to a strong dollar. American tourists are targeting southern Europe in particular, putting some countries’ post-lockdown rebound in hyperdrive.
Italy, Spain, Greece, and Portugal brought in nearly a third of the EU’s total international tourism dollars last year, which equates to $500+ billion.
Portugal specifically has seen a massive influx of US tourists, driving tax revenue up 20% last year in the capital city of Lisbon.
It’s not all wine windows and sunny beaches. Tourist dollars can be fickle and give policymakers tunnel vision. The cost of living for residents has skyrocketed in places like Lisbon, while overcrowded destinations like Venice have implemented anti-tourism fees, and locals in Spain’s Balearic and Canary Islands protested visitors.—MM