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Why PwC has its own ChatGPT
Who needs big ol’ ChatGPT when you can have your own small one?
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Billy Hurley
Read origianl artical
14 June 2023
less than a 3 min read
AI can seem big and scary:
It answers difficult questions. It handles data at a rate that humans cannot. It hallucinates!
“People fear AI; it’s one thing to use AI on the internet today to get your next travel itinerary. It’s another thing to use it at work,” said Mohamed Kande, vice chair, US consulting solutions co-leader, and global advisory leader at the professional services firm PwC, during a May news conference in Manhattan.
To address the fears of vast, almost-almost-knowing, AI-powered models, PwC has an idea: smaller, more contained AI-powered models. The consultancy in April deployed a pilot ChatGPT for internal use and a small set of employees.
The AI test run allows for a more controlled deployment of the technology, and is a bet on a more “precise” and limited model than the vast public one that people have gotten to know.